Week 1

Easter Kids Camps are back!
Were you waiting for them? They are back with activities such as the Koh Lanta Challenge, Beach Olympics, or Beach Hockey on the schedule... If the wind picks up, kids will enjoy an introduction to Beach Kite. And if the sun shines through and the temperature allows, we'll take advantage of it and go catch a small wave. In case of bad weather, we'll offer a whole series of indoor activities. Our available spots are becoming scarce... Don't waste any more time and make sure your child is also part of the team! A 5-day camp from Monday to Friday for children aged 7 to 16.
I hope you're ready!

On the programme

Great Koh Lanta (an excellent Ice Breaker)
Week 2 & 3 (afternoon): Water Games: surf, Skimboard, Catamaran, (if weather ok).